Rainbow Connections Activity


Finding connection even when we’re apart

At a time when we’re all physically separated, it’s important to find ways of connection to our loved ones, our friends and our neighbors, even from afar. While walking around the greenbelt, near our home in our Davis neighborhood, we noticed positive messages written in chalk on the path and art posted to the trees. It’s been so wonderful to see how connected we can remain even in these isolating and uncertain times. 

Rainbow connection activity

We decided to put up a rainbow in our front window, and in our driveway, as a way of saying we’re all in this together and we can all remain connected! We chose to use paint and butcher paper because that’s what we had on hand but you can get creative with different mediums, sizes and materials to use. It’s a fun and sweet way of brightening up our neighborhood and spreading good vibes to all! We hope you join us and don’t forget to look for the 🌈rainbow 🌈 in your neighborhood!